Sunday, April 1, 2012

Home » News & Reports » News Delta Commissioner, Joseph Otumara, Slaps Female Nurse

The Delta State Commissioner for Health, Dr. Joseph Otumara, last week descended on a female nursing officer at the Central Hospital in Warri, Mrs. Akata Oghenero, and slapped her for taking a phone call.
Nurses at the hospital have reacted to the commissioner’s unprofessional conduct by embarking on a strike action pending when a state-wide strike would commence.

Similarly, the Forum for Justice and Human Rights Defence (FJHD) in Delta State, has threatened to drag the commissioner to court if he fails to tender an unreserved apology to the nurse or resign from office.
This reporter reliably gathered that the physical assault on Mrs. Oghenero took place at the gynecologist ward of the hospital in front of other nurses and officials of the Ministry of Health who watched helplessly.
In her account, a senior nurse in the hospital who pleaded for anonymity stated, “On 29 March, 2012, while Mrs. Akata Oghenero, a Nursing Officer II at the Central Hospital, Warri was on duty in the Gynae ward of the said hospital, the Health commissioner, Dr. Joseph Otumara, and his entourage came into the said ward and, in the process, Mrs. Oghenero, in company of some student nurses who were present, immediately stood up to acknowledge his presence, while the commissioner and his entourage walked through to the maternity ward.  Shortly after a while Mrs. Oghenero received an emergency call on her mobile phone and she was on the phone all of a sudden she got a severe slap on her right check. Lo and behold she was shocked on turning her face to discover that the slap was from the Health commissioner Dr. Joseph Otumara."
The source said the helpless Mrs. Oghenero at that point “burst into an uncontrollable cry.”
As if that was not enough, it was gathered that the permanent secretary and the Hospitals Management Board, Asaba, swung into action by trying to track down the identity of the nurse and pacify their boss by issuing her a query or possibly firing her.

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