Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Afolabi to battle Huck in Germany

WBO Interim cruiserweight world champion, Ola Afolabi is in Germany to start the final preparation for his Thursday’s rematch with WBO cruiserweight champion Marco Huck.
Afolabi, 19-2-3 with 9 KOs, started his preparation two weeks ago for this much anticipated rematch; he has been training with fitness expert Harold Parker. Afolabi lost a close points decision in the first fight with Huck in December 5, 2009. Afolabi said, “I have waited for this fight for the last two and a half years. Huck has done everything possible to avoid fighting me again, he even moved to heavyweight to delay this fight. This time, I will not leave any doubt and I will become WBO cruiserweight champion.”
     Tom Loeffler, managing director of K2 Promotions said of the fight, “I promised Ola another world title shot when he signed with us. Now that he has been training with Vitali Klitschko’s trainer, Fritz Sdunek, Ola has become a completely different fighter.

Reduce fares or quit, Reps tell British Airways

The House of Representatives Committee on Aviation has directed the British Airways to either reduce its ticket prices on the lucrative Lagos-London route or consider shutting its operations in Nigeria.
“Our people are suffering and they are complaining. Reduce your fares or quit; it is either you tell us that you will reduce them or you quit”, Chairman of the House committee, Mrs. Nkiruka Onyejeocha, told the BA’s Country General Manager, Mr. Kola Olayinka, in Abuja on Monday.


Monday, April 2, 2012

Pension Scam: I Made $544, 000 Selling "Pure Water", Says Accused -

One of the accused persons standing trial in the N14.5 billion Police Pension scam, Mrs. Veronica Ulonma Onyegbula, has told investigators the $544,632 (about N82 million) found in one of her companies, Ulover International Resources Limited, was realized from selling pure water which the company produces.

EFCC Urged To Probe Church Building ‘Gift’ By Italian Construction Company To Pres. Jonathan

Socio-Economic Rights and Accountability Project, (SERAP) has petitioned Mr Ibrahim Lamorde, Chairman, Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) urging him to “urgently begin a thorough, transparent and effective investigation into allegations that the Abuja-based Italian construction company, Gitto Construzioni Generali Nigeria Limited (GCG) gave to President Goodluck Jonathan as ‘gift’ a 2,500-seat church building in Otuoke, his village in Bayelsa State.
In the petition dated 2 April 2012, and signed by SERAP executive director Adetokunbo Mumuni, the organization said that, “We are seriously concerned that given the huge sum of money involved and the timing of the church building ‘gift’, the acts may amount to a bribe to the government by a construction company that has sought and obtained huge contracts from the federal government.”
“Procurement and investment agreements corrupted by this kind of ‘gift’ invariably lead to increased costs not only in higher prices but also in needlessly expanded and ultimately inefficient projects,” the organization said.
According to the organization, “Both the acts of giving and accepting the disguised bribe undermine the institutions and values of democracy, ethical values and justice, and jeopardises sustainable development and the rule of law. The acts also hurt the government and ordinary Nigerians who may suffer as a result of bad execution of projects by GCG.”
The organization also asked the Commission to “exert its mandate, power, and resources to ensure that the allegations are fully and effectively investigated the findings of the investigation published and the company and other suspected perpetrators held liable.”

Welcome to Report Naija Blog: Home » News & Reports » News Delta Commissioner,...

Welcome to Report Naija Blog: Home » News & Reports » News Delta Commissioner,...: The Delta State Commissioner for Health, Dr. Joseph Otumara, last week descended on a female nursing officer at the Central Hosp...

Fuel Scarcity Hits Nigerian Aviation

 Passengers were stranded in airports at the weekend as there were no aircraft to convey them to their various destinations; many of them had to return home or seek alternative means of getting to their destinations.

The airlines that managed to operate, ended up having their passengers delayed for more than six hours while most airlines cancelled their flights as a result of the scarcity and high price of aviation fuel.

The Assistant Secretary General of Airlines Operators of Nigeria (AON), Mohammed Tukur condemned the situation saying “this is the time airline operators should be wary of what is sold to them as aviation fuel…this is the period kerosene could be sold to unsuspecting carriers in the name of aviation fuel

A Fashion Accessory or the New National Flag? Swanky New Barcodes Flood the City of Lagos

Is it the latest fashion or the new national flag? These were some of the questions on the lips of curious Lagosians yesterday, who woke up to the sight of optical Smartphone readable codes better known as barcodes in different areas of the metropolis. The imposing signs appeared everywhere, from shopping malls to school buildings, from billboards to T-shirts, everyone appeared to be rocking a barcode! The barcodes had a mysteriously simple message written below; ‘Scan me for a new attitude’.
According to eyewitnesses who scanned the barcode, they were confronted with yet another mysterious message in neon green. It read, ‘DON’T BLEND IN: BE UNIQUE, FIND OUT HOW ON 05: 04: 12’.
Feelers reaching us say that this mysterious new message is coming from telecoms giant Etisalat who are planning to unveil yet another innovative package for Nigerians on April 5. The company remains mum about the issue, but there is clearly a lot of buzz at their numerous offices and headquarters situated around Lagos.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Lagos Okada Riders on Strike

All four unions of Okada riders and Tricycles (Motorcycle Transport Union of Nigeria, All Nigerians Autobike Commercial Owners and Workers Association and Okada Riders Welfare Association) have called on their members to stay off the street from 7am to 10am tomorrow Monday, 02 April 2012 to enable them attend a court session. Chairman of the four associations said the action was necessary to demonstrate support and solidarity in court following the suit filed on their behalf against the Lagos State Government over the banning of Okada from operating within the Ikeja Business District.

Home » News & Reports » News Delta Commissioner, Joseph Otumara, Slaps Female Nurse

The Delta State Commissioner for Health, Dr. Joseph Otumara, last week descended on a female nursing officer at the Central Hospital in Warri, Mrs. Akata Oghenero, and slapped her for taking a phone call.
Nurses at the hospital have reacted to the commissioner’s unprofessional conduct by embarking on a strike action pending when a state-wide strike would commence.

Similarly, the Forum for Justice and Human Rights Defence (FJHD) in Delta State, has threatened to drag the commissioner to court if he fails to tender an unreserved apology to the nurse or resign from office.
This reporter reliably gathered that the physical assault on Mrs. Oghenero took place at the gynecologist ward of the hospital in front of other nurses and officials of the Ministry of Health who watched helplessly.
In her account, a senior nurse in the hospital who pleaded for anonymity stated, “On 29 March, 2012, while Mrs. Akata Oghenero, a Nursing Officer II at the Central Hospital, Warri was on duty in the Gynae ward of the said hospital, the Health commissioner, Dr. Joseph Otumara, and his entourage came into the said ward and, in the process, Mrs. Oghenero, in company of some student nurses who were present, immediately stood up to acknowledge his presence, while the commissioner and his entourage walked through to the maternity ward.  Shortly after a while Mrs. Oghenero received an emergency call on her mobile phone and she was on the phone all of a sudden she got a severe slap on her right check. Lo and behold she was shocked on turning her face to discover that the slap was from the Health commissioner Dr. Joseph Otumara."
The source said the helpless Mrs. Oghenero at that point “burst into an uncontrollable cry.”
As if that was not enough, it was gathered that the permanent secretary and the Hospitals Management Board, Asaba, swung into action by trying to track down the identity of the nurse and pacify their boss by issuing her a query or possibly firing her.